Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year " analysis

This is a poem talking about how he never realized how much it took to be a parent, he is staring at a picture of his father and realizes just how much his dad had done for him. In the line "But the eyes give him away, and the hands that limply offer the string of dead perch" the author can see how even though his father tried to hide it it was just as hard for the author's father to be a father as it currently is for the author. The line "yet how can I say thank you, I who can't hold my liquor either" is the author admitting to the picture of his father that it is way harder to be a parent and how he never really realized how hard it was until he became one himself.

1 comment:

  1. your blog was good, i found many of the points you mentioned to be interesting as well, including both quotes.
