Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Letter of Introduction

My favorite book is the original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. She was one of the first science fiction writers and personally I think she did a wonderful job of portraying how a simple mistake in the scientific world could cause a catastrophe. Many of my favorite short stories and novels that I had to read were either very dark or incredibly fictional. Two of my favorite poets are Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickenson, I love writers and stories that force you to look at the world from a different perspective.
My favorite English teacher so far was Ms. Rinaldi, she was the one who introduced me to my current favorite book Frankenstein. She also challenged me to bring my outside ideas in class into my writing. I was almost always on the "wrong" side of arguments according to many of my classmates and a few of my former teachers. Ms. Rinaldi was the first teacher to encourage my debates of the less commonly argued points of a story.
As far as writing goes, I have always had to write, something about me just wants to put pen to paper and get my feelings out that way. Weird I know but for as long as I can remember I have always had a place to put down my random thoughts about the world and how things work.I had a book that I was working on for a while, it was a fictional story about how this kid was trapped in a virtual world, kind of like the matrix, but his real body in the real world was a dragon. It got kind of crazy from then on, a war between dragons and humans and the boy has a split personality and one of them leads the dragons and the other one leads the humans. It would have been an awesome story except for the fact that I am a perfectionist and kept going back and fixing it as I was writing it and never really got past the first chapter since I didn't spend enough time on it.
The reason I wright fiction is the same reason I enjoy darker poems and stories, because I understand how messed up the world is and writing is an escape for me. In my stories I try to expand things that I see in real life and make them more physical and understandable. For example the kid who ended up leading both sides of a planet wide war, just expands on how almost everyone has an internal struggle going on inside of them between what the want to do and what they feel is right.
I am taking this class for two reasons, the first reason is because besides what my parents and grandparents have told me I don't really know much about the world since the 1950's on all my history classes stopped right around there, that and I was sick a lot and smart enough to get by without making stuff up, and second I love writing and may want to become a writer but I need to know what people recently have published and why. My major is polymer and fiber chemistry.

Clemson so far...
First I was scared home was far behind,
Second new friends same scenario,
Third moved homes for the fourteenth time,
Fourth 70,000 people are louder then I thought,
Fifth so much free time, it wasn't really free,
Sixth messed up again one more shot to get it right,
Seventh I can do this.

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